Cures Personnalisées
Purification & Régénérescence
20 eme année...déjà...
depuis 2005 au Mas du Coussoul
du 02 au 15 Octobre 2024
Il reste 1 place
Ayurvedic center
Ayurveda Provence created by Philippe Hansroul and Udai singh is an ayurvedic center in Europe. The climat and the surrounding of « La Provence » are perfect conditions to live an ayurvedic expérience. In june 2005 we started or first cure. Since then, we propose 3 types of programs.
Cures from 6 to 13 days
Mini cures of 3 days and half.
Ayurvedic holidays and walks in the nature.
Our programs
Why a center in Europe ?
The health approach of ayurveda, even if very old, is a very modern health approach.
Indeed in ayurveda we try to keep health instead of treating diseases. Ayurveda talks about life and quality of life. A cure is like making « a reset » with your body. The cure brings you rest and energy. A cure is helpfull to prevent illness.
Ayurveda Provence can prepare bigger panchakarma in India.
Ayurveda Provence can follow panchakarmas done in India in partnership with the indien center.
Coming Program 2024
Cure in Kerala
Since 2016, we organize once a year a trip to Kerala.
Living a cure in Kerala, is living the roots of ayurveda
Kerala 2025: From 23 january to 06 february 2025